Collection: Nature-Inspired Aromatherapy

Fawn Lily Botanica's aromatherapy products are as pure and natural as possible ~ scented with real roots, leaves, resins, flowers, barks, and leaves. We absolutely never use synthetic or artificial fragrances in our natural aromatherapy product line.

Commercial fragrances and air fresheners are manufactured using synthetic chemicals, many of the ingredients do not need to be listed on the labels even though they are known allergens, hormone disruptors, and irritants. That's pretty frightening, but the good news is that nature has given us the most beautiful plant-based alternatives!

We utilize scents from trees, flowers, resins, roots, barks, and leaves to naturally cleanse and scent our spaces. Not only are the natural ingredients safer for our minds and bodies, but aromatherapy products made from botanicals also have therapeutic properties. For example, they can be grounding, energizing, relaxing, stimulating, uplifting, or balancing. 

Our aromatherapy products may not be as potent as the commercially available versions and the scent will not linger for as long, but they are a much better alternative for our health and well-being.